
Time (EST)  
8:30 Registration - Coffee and Poster Setup Time
8:45 Introduction (Welcome remarks by Siobhan Oca)
9:15 Daniel Buckland, MD, PhD: Creating Constructive Collaborations with Clinicians in Medical Robotics
9:30 Yash Chitalia, PhD, Scott Silva, MD, PhD: Setting up Interdisciplinary Collaborations between Early-stage Medical Roboticists and Clinicians: A Case-Study
9:45 Patrick Codd, MD: From Bench to Bedside - Examples of Research and Translational Medical Robotic Collaborations in Neurosurgery
10:00 Panel: How to foster Clinical Collaborations in Medical Robotics Research and Training
10:45 Coffee Break
11:00 Brian Mann, PhD: Medical Robotics Training Model Case Study: NSF Traineeship in the Advancement of Surgical Technologies (TAST) at Duke
11:15 Mark Draelos, MD, PhD: To Medical School and Back Again: A Journey of Lasers, Eyes, and Robots
11:30 Panel:: Experiences and Insights training Medical Roboticists
12:15 Lunch Break